Set Your Space To Bring You Joy

Welcome Packet

These are the two documents I spoke of. The first is the coaching agreement which we will go over together during our first session. I’ll answer any questions you have and we can add anything you feel would be helpful for our work together.

Attached to the Coaching Agreement is the Personal Client Info Page.

The second download is the Personal Inventory. This is where you get to dream big, envision what you want life to be like and to clarify where you are now.

As always, please let me know if you have difficulties downloading or any questions regarding these pages.


Download – Mindfully Aware Coaching Agreement and Personal Client Info Page

Download – Mindfully Aware Welcome Packet Personal Inventory


  • Lisa Spector In Her Health And Wellness Coaching Office

    In 2017 I became one of the first Nationally Board Certified Health and Wellness Coaches in the Nation and the first and only in all of Southwest Missouri. I was so excited I could hardly contain my enthusiasm. I was able to help people move forward with their lives in a very meaningful, lasting, and powerful way. Health coaching is a strong vehicle for change. I believe fully in our ability to change, transform, and evolve. Often our success comes with support, accountability, resources, and someone who genuinely cares about us. That’s me, a Mindfully Aware Health & Wellness Coach.

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